Home-Cured Bacon
This recipe is the easiest way to make artisanal bacon at home, just buy your pork and get curing! No experience or qualifications required - just simple, easy and very tasty - you will not want shop bought ever again!
Prep Time
15 Mins
Cooking Time
8 Days
Approx 6
Suggested Wood
- 1Kg Boneless Pork Belly or Loin
- ProQ Bacon Cures
Buy good quality, outdoor reared pork from a butcher - it tastes so much better. Ask them to remove the rind if you prefer.
You can either buy our Bacon Curing Kit, our Bacon Curing & Smoking kit, or just some of our cures to get started.
- 1Kg Boneless Pork Belly or Loin
- ProQ Bacon Cures
Buy good quality, outdoor reared pork from a butcher - it tastes so much better. Ask them to remove the rind if you prefer.
You can either buy our Bacon Curing Kit, our Bacon Curing & Smoking kit, or just some of our cures to get started.
Step 1
Measure the depth of your pork joint in inches, making a note of it - you'll need this to calculate the correct curing time.
Step 2
Place the 1kg pork belly piece into a suitably sized food tray either a baking tray or roasting dish. Sprinkle the contents of one curing pouch onto the pork - rub the cure evenly all over the meat.
Step 3
Put the pork into a food safe bag and seal well - removing as much air as you can. Place the bag on a food safe tray and place in the fridge on the bottom shelf. Its a good idea to write the date on the bag with a marker pen.
Step 4
Calculate the curing time by following this rule - 2 days + 1 extra day per 1/2 inch thickness. For example, a 1 1/2 inch thick piece of pork will require 5 days curing (2 days + 3 days).
Step 5
Each day remember to turn the bag over- this helps to evenly distribute the cure around the meat. You may notice some liquid in the bag - don't worry this normal and don't be tempted to open the bag !
Step 6
When the curing process is up, remove the pork belly and rinse under cold water, gently rubbing it to remove any excess cure.
Step 7
Pat the meat dry with kitchen roll or a tea towel. Push a meat hook all the way through your pork belly, around a inch from the edge, being careful to avoid your fingers. Hang your bacon in the fridge with a dish beneath to catch any excess moisture. Hang the bacon for 3 days.
Tip: If you have glass shelves in your fridge and cannot use a hook, then lay the bacon on a wire rack with a tray beneath to catch any drips.
Step 8
You now have bacon! Cut a few slices and cook the way you like it or cold smoke it for 24 hours - which is just the way we like it!
Keep the bacon refrigerated and use within 5 days. If you intend to freeze the bacon then slice and freeze it straight away.