Smoky BBQ Beef Brisket
This is our take on the classic BBQ Beef Brisket. Enjoy that beautiful melts-like-butter texture and dark smokey bark. Mastering brisket is generally regarded as the pinnacle of BBQ cooking. No wonder people queue for hours outside the best briskets restaurants in the world, such as the legendary Franklin's in Austin, Texas. Good things come to those who wait!
Hot Smoking
Cooking Time
16-18 Hours
Suggested Wood
Hickory or Apple
A little more effort
- 5kg Beef Brisket (with good fat marbling)
- 1 cup of Beef Stock or 2-3 Beef Stock Cubes
- 1 x ProQ Beefy Dry Rub or your favourite BBQ Rub
- 5kg Beef Brisket (with good fat marbling)
- 1 cup of Beef Stock or 2-3 Beef Stock Cubes
- 1 x ProQ Beefy Dry Rub or your favourite BBQ Rub
Step 1
Dry rub the brisket with the rub of your choice, and refrigerate it for an hour before cooking. Be sure to plan well in advance so that the brisket will be ready around the time you want to eat, which sounds obvious but is a lot more important with such a long cook time.
Step 2
Take the brisket out and put it into an oven tray, then inject ¾ of the beef stock into the beef using a marinade injector, pouring the rest on top. If using beef stock cubes, dissolve in 1 cup of warm water.
Step 3
Light your fire to last with around 4L of hot water in the water pan, allowing for the fact that you will need to keep the smoker going for a long time, so don’t skimp on charcoal. Once your smoker has reached a temp of 220-250°F / 104-120°C, add a couple of apple or hickory smoking wood chunks to the fire and pop your brisket on the grill.
Step 4
Wait. Try not to open the smoker often, every four hours or so to check the fire and top up the water pan with hot water if needed.
Step 5
When the brisket's internal temp reaches 200-205°F / 93-96°C, remove it from the smoker and allow the brisket to rest for about 30 minutes before slicing thinly and serving with your choice of sides.