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Whether you're hot smoking, barbecuing, grilling or cold smoking, we have a great range of recipes specially developed with ProQ products in mind.
x 4-6
2 hours
Submitted by Danny Hawke, this is the winner of our summer 2015 recipe competition. These meat balls are bound to wow everyone at your next BBQ! These beauties are stuffed with a secret surprise: mac and cheese! If the name hasn’t already convinced you to...
x 12 or 6 if you want double burgers
12 Minutes
Smash Burgers are destined to be your new favourite burgers! Crispy edges and a juicy middle, these plancha patties really hit the spot and are seriously easy to make. Keep it simple or make it fancy the choice is yours and enjoy!
x 4
2-3 Hours
x 8-10
30 Mins
A juicy, delicious burger recipe that's a great alternative to pre-bought patties, that can easily be altered to your taste. Makes 10 x 150g patties, enough to satisfy any meaty appetite.