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Whether you're hot smoking, barbecuing, grilling or cold smoking, we have a great range of recipes specially developed with ProQ products in mind.
x 3-4
3 Days
x 4
1 Hour
This smoky mackerel burger fuses sweet apple woodsmoke to a deep whiskey malted flavour. The crunchy pickled veg provide a splash of colour and nice balance of acidity and the yuzu mayo lifts the stack with a fresh zingy edge. Enjoy this Asian inspired ProQ...
x 2
40 Mins
Hot smoked mussels absorb loads of flavour whilst cooking and pair perfectly with seasonal summer vegetables and salty pancetta cooked in the grill basket. This recipe completely reinvents the idea of Moules Mariniere with a radical ProQ twist and luxury splash of prosecco. Perfect garden...
x 2
35 Minutes
x 8
45 Mins
x 4
10 Hours
x 10
1.5 Days
Cold smoked salmon is a delightful treat, and you’ll never buy smoked salmon again once you’ve tried making your own. It’s simple, delicate and full of flavour.