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Whether you're hot smoking, barbecuing, grilling or cold smoking, we have a great range of recipes specially developed with ProQ products in mind.
x 12
1 Hour
x Makes 4 large or 8 mini flatbreads
4 minutes
x Makes 8 Pasties
40 minutes
x 2-3
15-20 Mins
This is a base for an amazing BBQ glaze that's sweet and super sticky and caramelises nicely over the fire. Perfect for using as a glaze for spare ribs, chicken, pork, beef, corn on the cob or vegetable skewers. It's also really good if used as...
x 5 - 6 Jars
2-3 Hrs + overnight prep
As seen in our Orange Marmalade Chicken recipe, this method produces enough marmalade for 5 or 6 jars.